Gestión de Lenguajes



ERITRIUM is a Multilingual application. This means that it can be configured to change all the texts and literals that appears in all its forms from one language to the other.


Depending on the kind of installation that you are using, it is possible to change language descriptors or add new languages.


1 Customer Premises Installation.


In the case you are running ERITRIUM in your own Data Center, you can alter the multilingual configuration as you need.


All the languages are defined in a file located in the path //WEB-INF/languages.xls.


As you can see it is a Microsoft Excel Sheet and the format look like this:







Per each language defined, a tab with its literals will appear. ERITRIUM brings two languages in the basic installation, English and Spanish. Administrator can change the any translation of any tag, but cant change tags (first column). Once the changes are done and saved, you must exit the application in order to see the changes next time you log in.



2 Cloud Model


If you are using ERITRIUM on a Cloud installation, you cant change the languages file as you want because it is shared by more customers. It is possible to change it or to add new languages but you must contact the cloud services system administrator for further details
