Gestión de Grupos de Permisos



Work groups are used to group users together and grant permission to these groups to access ERITRIUM form sets.


Work groups are associated with form sets and form set access rights. Users can be assigned to one or more work groups, but they must belong to at least one to have access to forms. (Administrator and Designer users do not have to belong to a work group.) If a user belongs to more than one work group with different access rights to the same form set, the user will be granted the "most liberal" access rights of the groups. Companies tend to set up work groups to represent distinct units in their organization, e.g., Marketing, Sales, Support, etc…



Only administration users can manage work groups. In the main window navigate to "Administration -> Work Groups" to display the work groups defined in the system




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Each row represents a work group which is a set of rights over ERITRIUM operations. To create new work group click the button "New Workgroup" at the top of the tab


To edit an existing Work Group, do double click over the one you want to edit. ERITRIUM will open the following Work Group Details form:





In this form are displayed the different access rights for each ERITRIUM business object. To change one particular right over a ERITRIUM business object just check it or uncheck it and then click "File -> Save" to change the user grants.

